Glendon Gross
HiTech Creations Support wrote:
We have been working with Martin concerning a problem we are having with MySQL. He had us install source from RELENG_4 and then patch the kernel.
The patches to the kernel are fine and we can build the kernel, however we cannot do a "make buildworld" due to errors in openssh.
Here are the particulars: We started with STABLE4.6 and I did a CVSup using the following supfile. *default *default base=/usr *default prefix=/usr *default release=cvs tag=RELENG_4 *default delete use-rel-suffix src-all src-crypto src-eBones src-secure
I did a build and install of /usr/src/include and /usr/src/share/mk
During the 'make buildworld' the following errors occurred: mkdep -f epend -a -I/usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/../../../../crypto/openssh /usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c /usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c:61: openssl/dsa.h: No such file or directory. /usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c:62: openssl/evp.h: No such file or directory In file included from /usr/src/lib/libpam/moduels/pam_ssh/pam_ssh.c:64: /usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/../../../../crypto/openssh/key.h:29: openssl/rsa.h: No such file or directory /usr/src/lib/libpam/modules/pam_ssh/../../../../crypto/openssh/key.h:30: openssl/dsa.h: No such file or directory
I am in a pretty desparate situation as we need to get this server back online as it is a production server.
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