I suppose this list is "the right place"?

4.8 pre-release problems:

A. The new "__stdinp, __stdoutp, __stderrp" in <stdio.h> is causing major
   problems for 3.x binaries.  E.g. such a binary uses compat/libc.so.3,
   but also libm.so.2 -- the latter includes <stdio.h> but has no compat
   version.  All /usr/lib/lib*.so that have no compat version, but include
   the new <stdio.h>, cause this problem.

B. The change to "UPACKED" structs in <dev/usb.h> causes existing binaries
   that do ioctl() -- the only way to obtain any USB dev info -- to fail.
   Those structures have never been declared packed before, and now suddenly
   changed size and/or memer alignment.

BTW, I made the mistake of cvsup'ing to RELENG_4 from a 4.6.2, thinking I
was updating to 4.7, now I'll have to back down to 4.7+post-patches.  I'm
entering a reqeust now: in the future, "pre-release" be made a new, short-
lived branch (delete it after the release is cut), but OFF the stable branch.


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