On Wed, Feb 19, 2003 at 09:23:47AM -0800, Nathan Kinkade wrote:
> This is just another shot in the dark, but I see that you are trying to
> connect to a machine named 'luke'.  Maybe your /etc/hosts file was
> overwritten and now name resolution isn't happening like it should
> locally?  What happens if you try to connect using the ip address like:
> $ xterm -display

I use named (DNS) to resolve all of my host names so my /etc/hosts file
is empty. Right now my X server is allowing connections (I restarted
it with "startx -listen_tcp") so I'm convinced that that was it (still
doesn't explain why it used to work).

> Also, when on the machine named 'luke' what is the output of `xhost`.
> If you want everyone to be able to connect then it should output
> something like:
> $ xhost
> access control disabled, clients can connect from any host


> Also, can you verify 100% that X is actually listening on host 'luke' by
> browsing the output of `sockstat -l4`? 

This is what I get right now:
bob@luke:pa /home/bob> sockstat -l4|grep XFree86
root     XFree86  41464    1 tcp4   *:6000                *:*

but it's working now also.

> One more thing: how did you upgrade?  Are you certain that you don't
> have a firewall running on the newly upgraded system?

I updated from source. I cvsup the cvs repo and update my /usr/src tree
from that with cvs.

> Good luck,
> Nathan

Thanks for you time and thoughts,

> -- 
> GPG Public Key ID: 0x4250A04C
> gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 4250A04C

Bob Willcox            We seem to have forgotten the simple truth that
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           reason is never perfect. Only non-sense attains
Austin, TX             perfection.      -- Poul Henningsen [1894-1967]

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