On Mon, 10 Feb 2003, David Schultz wrote:

> Does it seem to be basically responsive (e.g. you can switch
> virtual consoles), but processes hang when they try to do I/O?  If
> you can run top while you see this problem, it should tell you
> what state processes are getting stuck in.  You can get the same
> information by breaking into the debugger and typing 'ps'.  I had
> a problem like this that involved the SCSI controller randomly
> timing out.  Decreasing the tag queue length solved the problem.

I don't think taht the amr driver is part of cam yet? :(

jupiter# df -t ufs
Filesystem    1K-blocks     Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/amrd0s1a    127023   113135     3727    97%    /
/dev/amrd0s1e    508143       12   467480     0%    /tmp
/dev/amrd0s1g   6528346  3019785  2986294    50%    /usr
/dev/amrd0s1f   1016303   389998   545001    42%    /var
/dev/amrd1s1a  66972328 45747954 17206035    73%    /v1
jupiter# !cam
camcontrol devlist -v
scbus0 on amr0 bus 0:
scbus-1 on xpt0 bus 0:
<  >                               at scbus-1 target -1 lun -1 (xpt0)

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