On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 08:58:32AM +0100, Zoran Kolic wrote: > Dear FreeBSD! > Hope that someone on the list has > expirience with external Zoltrix modem > named Rainbow. It should change my > nightmare: lucent winmodem. Maker > has a lot of data about windows com- > pability, but freeBSD is not even men- > tioned. Should I buy it? (Modem on the > machine? Yes, gonna be RELEASE. I have > no possibility to cvs or some other fancy > thing.)
If it is based on the Lucent Winmodem chipset, as you say, it might be supported by the /usr/ports/comm/ltmdm port. Should you buy it? Only if you can return it for a refund should you find that it won't work with FreeBSD. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message