On Sat, Dec 28, 2002 at 11:28:32AM -0500, Murat Bicer wrote:
> Once I choose to use a stable version of freebsd, What are the ways to
> apply a security patch to all these servers?
> I need to automate this for 10000 servers.
> All feedback appreciated.
> Murat

  You can do several things, depending on your needs.  If these are
  production servers then I would not recommend just blindly having them
  cvsup RELENG_4 and rebuilding themselves every couple of weeks.
  Instead, you may want to have one machine store and NFS export the
  source.  Then, you can occasionally cvsup fresh RELENG_4 to that one
  machine and have the others mount the exported NFS partition and build
  using the same sources, once you know the bits you have are stable.
  Otherwise, you could just keep a version of the RELENG_4 sources on
  that one machine that you know are stable and occasionally apply your
  security patches to that one machine which would again export the
  sources via NFS.  You could then build using the NFS mounted sources
  with a local object target on each server, as needed.  This is how I
  do it here and it works pretty well.


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