Dear corecode,

    I did a complete cvsup including the ports.
    I did a complete make world.
    I did a complete generic kernel install on the laptop.

    Why are you mentioning 4.6.2?  I only mentioned 4.7-RC (although
I am operating on memory here; it was RELENG_4 on Oct. 4 or 5.), and

          - WM Barnes

On Thu, Oct 10, 2002 at 04:05:50AM +0200, Simon 'corecode' Schubert wrote:
> Obviously Wayne M Barnes formed the bits:
> >     I did a cvsup to 4.7-RC on Oct 5, and then I tried to install the
> > port graphics/xine.
> > 
> >     It kept crashing, saying -i is an illegal option for sed.
> you didn't install world (at least not sed), but you installed the
> kernel. big mistake. sed didn't have -i for 4.6.2 and below; it was
> MFC'd after this release. 4.7 will contain sed -i.
> -- 
> /"\
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