[I posted this to -isp, but I believe it also belongs here, much or less]

Hello list,

Two days ago I upgraded my main server to 4.6-STABLE. It's been running
well on 4.5 with poppasswd. Now people cannot change password via the
web as used to be and the only error:

500 Unable to change password (from the web cgi).

poppasswd.log says:

failed attempt by XXXXX
Incorrect passwdord from XXXXX

before the upgrade things were okay.

I'm tying it to the UPDATE, by looking at the relevant log.

# I haven't been following -stable lately so I may have missed a major
  change (but still went ahead and upgraded, maybe shooting myself on
  the foot in the process)

Thank you for any insights.


Odhiambo Washington  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    "The box said 'Requires
Wananchi Online Ltd.  www.wananchi.com      Windows 95, NT, or better,'
Tel: 254 2 313985-9   Fax: 254 2 313922     so I installed FreeBSD."   
GSM: 254 72 743 223   GSM: 254 733 744 121  This sig is McQ!  :-)

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