
did anyone see this too?.

I changed my /etc/usbd.conf to have additional entries for a
Microsoft Intelli Mouse with 3 and 5 Buttons and a wheel.

Now the usbd dumps core in read_configuration on line 464 of
usbd.c revision

This seems to be, because of the whitespace and comment checking
part is counting len to zero, while searching for real config
lines and skiping the comments etc. But somehow len now become -1
and obviuosly dumps out in strncpy(linez, line, len)

A patch may be this:

Index: usbd.c
RCS file: /net/ga/home2/ncvs/src/usr.sbin/usbd/usbd.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.10.2.4 usbd.c
*** usbd.c      24 Feb 2002 14:23:13 -0000
--- usbd.c      13 Jul 2002 16:25:40 -0000
*** 449,455 ****
!               if (len == 0)           /* empty line */
                if (line[0] == '#')     /* comment line */
--- 449,455 ----
!               if (len <= 0)           /* empty line */
                if (line[0] == '#')     /* comment line */

Here is my /etc/usdb.conf which causes that trouble.

# Configuration file the USB daemon.
# See usbd.conf(5) for the description of the format of the file.
# $FreeBSD: src/etc/usbd.conf,v 2000/10/16 16:32:12 n_hibma Exp $

# Firmware download into the ActiveWire board. After the firmware download is
# done the device detaches and reappears as something new and shiny automatically.
device "ActiveWire board, firmware download"
        vendor  0x0854
        product 0x0100
        release 0x0000
        attach "/usr/local/bin/ezdownload -f 
/usr/local/share/usb/firmware/0854.0100.0_01.hex ${DEVNAME}"

# Firmware download for Entrega Serial DB25 adapter.
device "Entrega Serial with UART"
        product 0x8001
        vendor  0x1645
        release 0x0101
        attach "if ! kldstat -n usio > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then kldload usio; fi"
        attach "/usr/sbin/ezdownload -v -f /usr/share/usb/firmware/1645.8001.0101 

# The entry below starts and stops dhclient when an ethernet device is inserted
# Caveat: It does not support multiple interfaces (but neither does pccardd,
# it shouldn't be too big a deal :-)
device "USB ethernet"
        devname "[ack]ue[0-9]+"
        attach "dhclient ${DEVNAME}"
        detach "killall dhclient"

# The entry below starts moused when a mouse is plugged in. Moused
# stops automatically (actually it bombs :) when the device disappears.
#device "Microsoft 5-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)"
#       devname "ums[0-9]+"
#       product 0x0039
#       vendor  0x045e
#       attach "/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/${DEVNAME} -I /var/run/moused.${DEVNAME}.pid 
-z 6 7"

device "Microsoft 3-Button Mouse with IntelliEye(TM)"
        devname "ums[0-9]+"
        product 0x0040
        vendor  0x045e
        attach "/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/${DEVNAME} -I /var/run/moused.${DEVNAME}.pid 
-z 4 5"

# The entry below starts moused when a mouse is plugged in. Moused
# stops automatically (actually it bombs :) when the device disappears.
device "Mouse"
        devname "ums[0-9]+"
        attach "/usr/sbin/moused -p /dev/${DEVNAME} -I /var/run/moused.${DEVNAME}.pid"

# The fallthrough entry: Nothing is specified, nothing is done.  And it isn't
# necessary at all :-).  Just for pretty printing in debugging mode.
device "USB device"

        Frank Nobis
.signature is: umop 3p!sdn

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