On Tue, 28 May 2002, Irwan Hadi wrote:

> Dear All,
> compiled successfully. But why after I recompile the kernel for the
> second time, with
> options IPFIREWALL
> options IPFIREWALL_VERBOSE_LIMIT=10 according to
> http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/firewalls.html, the server can't be
> ping-ed anymore ?
> I did check the configuration using /usr/bin/config my-kernel, and it
> worked just fine, and there was no error in the make depend, and make
> stage.
> Does anyone has ever got the same problem ? May I know it A.S.A.P,
> because the server is a colocated one, and I need to give instructions
> to the person who is going to "fix" the server.

Did  you specify any of the firewall rules / configuration before
rebooting? The default deny rules will keep you from connecting to the
box until you set up new rules that will accept connections. You'll want
to check and modify the firewall_ lines in /etc/defaults/rc.conf .

The ipfw man page suggests being at the console when you enable the
firewall for this precise reason.

The way to fix this problem is to log in at the console (or have someone
else do it for you) and add the following rule:

ipfw add 100 allow ip from any to any

This will open up the firewall, and allow you to connect. You'll no doubt
want to delete that rule when you add your own custom rules. man ipfw(8)
will help you when you get around to doing that.

- Jeff Jirsa

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