On Tue, May 21, 2002 at 03:18:03PM +0800, Eugene Grosbein wrote:
> "S?ren Schmidt" wrote:
> > Of cause it should, and belive me I'm doing all I can to try get this
> > nailed. But I do have a real life as well, and a fulltime job, 3 kids,
> > vife and lots of other important things to care for, so excuse me if
> > I dont work 24 hours a day on this problem...
> Of course. How about backing out new ATA code and stick with old
> for the sake of 4.6-RELEASE stability?

Not necessarily good for everyone. I have several systems that are now
dependent upon the RAID support in ata (that I really can't afford to
upgrade to -current). Does the old ata driver support the new driver's


Bob Willcox            Dealing with failure is easy: work hard to improve.
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           Success is also easy to handle: you've solved the
Austin, TX             wrong problem. Work hard to improve.

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