i have 2 compaq 370 with built in fxp0. both got 4.6 pre1 on it a few days
ago. since there i experience troubles with the interface. especially one of
them is running a irc server with services and a irc proxy. reconnecting to
the proxy results in hanging of the interface in 50% of the cases without
error message. at least no message with *.* all.log in syslog.conf. it looks
like if the proxy sends to much data on connecting it hangs. the proxy is
bind to an interfaxe alias on the fxp0. the rest of the services are still
running when it hangs. no interface down/up needed. resetting the proxy
(results in less data to send) and voila everything is ok again. this error
doesnt happen with mail or www stuff. but dircproxy was running for month
without problems. this problem happens since pre1 and as it looks like only
on the interface alias.

Best regards / Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Karl M. Joch

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