On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Marc G. Fournier wrote:

> Just recently upgraded my machine, and aolserver no longer starts, with an
> error of:
> nsthread(20981) error: pthread_cond_timedwait failed in Ns_CondTimedWait: Invalid 
> OS is:
> 4.5-STABLE FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE #6: Mon Mar 25 21:01:05 CST 2002
> Has anyone else seen this?
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As a followup to this, the 'offending' function is in thread/pthread.cpp
... does anything look "wrong" with the function that would cause the
above error in the latest FreeBSD?

Ns_CondTimedWait(Ns_Cond *condPtr, Ns_Mutex *mutexPtr, Ns_Time *timePtr)
    pthread_cond_t  *cond;
    pthread_mutex_t *lockPtr;
    Thread          *ownerPtr;
    Mutex           *mPtr;
    int              err, status;
    struct timespec  ts;

    if (timePtr == NULL) {
        Ns_CondWait(condPtr, mutexPtr);
        return NS_OK;

    cond = GETCOND(condPtr);
    mPtr = GETMUTEX(mutexPtr);
    lockPtr = mPtr->lock;
    ownerPtr = mPtr->ownerPtr;
    mPtr->ownerPtr = NULL;

     * Convert the microsecond-based Ns_Time to a nanosecond-based
     * struct timespec.

    ts.tv_sec = timePtr->sec;
    ts.tv_nsec = timePtr->usec * 1000;

     * As documented on Linux, pthread_cond_timedwait may return
     * EINTR if a signal arrives.  We have noticed that
     * EINTR can be returned on Solaris as well although this
     * is not documented (perhaps, as above, it's possible it
     * bubbles up from _lwp_cond_timedwait???).  Anyway, unlike
     * the ETIME case above, we'll assume the wakeup is truely
     * spurious and simply restart the wait knowing that the
     * ts structure has not been modified.

    do {
        err = pthread_cond_timedwait(cond, lockPtr, &ts);
    } while (err == EINTR);


     * See comments above and note that here ETIME is still considered
     * a spurious wakeup, not an indication of timeout because we're
     * not making any assumptions about the nature or this bug.
     * While we're less certain, this should still be ok as properly
     * written condition code should tolerate the wakeup.

    if (err == ETIME) {
        err = 0;

    if (ERRTIMEDOUT(err)) {
        status = NS_TIMEOUT;
    } else if (err != 0) {
        NsThreadFatal("Ns_CondTimedWait", "pthread_cond_timedwait", err);
    } else {
        status = NS_OK;

    mPtr->ownerPtr = ownerPtr;

    return status;

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