>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Reichert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Brian> On Mon, Mar 04, 2002 at 11:30:19AM +1100, Gregory Bond
    Brian> wrote:
    >> Grrr.
    >> Wind River gets out of FreeBSD, says they're dropping CD
    >> subscriptions.  Daemon news say they are taking it on.  So I
    >> sign up with them.  A couple of weeks later, FreeBSDMall say
    >> they are taking over the existing subscriptions from Wind
    >> River.  So now I am on 2 subscriptions and have to cancel
    >> one......

    Brian> Yeah, I had the same deal happen, and was gonna make phone
    Brian> call tomorrow to track this down.  What's the word on who's
    Brian> 'officially' running this distribution?

    Brian> The Wind River CDs seem to have a more 'canonical' body of
    Brian> packaging, right down to the US priority mail, rather than
    Brian> UPS for a carrier...

You can add me to the list as well.. I had canceled my subscription
when Wind River dropped the ball (4.4 Release) and started a multi-os
sub with Daemon news. 

Also who authorized the use of my credit card number. ( Don't get me
wrong I have no problem with FreeBSD Mall ) With this shipment it will
make the second time they have done this to me. How about we have
FreeBSD Mall send Wind River a bill for all the disks they sent out to
people who have canceled their subscriptions and have received to
copies. That way with the second disk we can use to advocate some
sorry sole who is not using FreeBSD.


P.S. Adding reminder to call Subscription services at FreeBSD Mall

Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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