On 05-Jan-2002 (19:47:53/GMT) Mike Heffner wrote:

>> I noticed a strange behaviour, sending a file twice create
>> version even if sunique is off, on all versions I can test.

> This is intentional...

This is black magic.  I hate it.  I hope this would be (soon)
documented _OR_ make configurable.
...or at least tell me where I can un-patch myself  ;)

> If you are running an anonymous file drop, you don't want
> guest users to be able to overwrite the files of others...

I'm over 18 (really 36 :-).  I would like to decide myself.
I lost two weeks trying to figure why it doesn't work.

> If you need to upload, and overwrite a file, you might try
> setting up a restricted user for this purpose, that only
> has write access to a single directory.

Why?  Assume I have a very restricted /incoming dir (111) and
one or two levels or restricted dir under that (.../foo/bar/)
also with mode=111, and assume that a file named write-me is
placed in that dir owned by anonimous, mode +w.
Nothing can imagine files and dir if is unable to list them,
so only authorized users or automatic robots can read/write
under that deep path.  Are you following me?

Assume also that I am in my home, with my local lan isolated
from internet or at work (same as above because ftp is _only_
an internal service).

Assume also that I need 2^n (a very large number) different
users to write on my ftp a sort of report, all the times with
the same name.  I can't delete/put because dir is not writable.

Do you think this is a 'too-crazy' request?

> Mike

Thanks for your time,

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