On Fri, 28 Dec 2001, Søren Schmidt wrote:

> I know that change as well, but so far I havn't been able to verify
> that it does what it intends to do, VIA's docs are very vague on this.
> There is alot about this on the net, but *lots* of it are just notes
> scribbled together by nerds^H^H^H^H^Hpeople that has no idea what
> they are doing, they just change random bits that other talk about
> and hope it works...
> I'll try to get this veryfied and tested here...
> -Søren

True, true.  I trust your judgement, I just wasn't sure if you had seen
those patches yet.

On a related note, would it be possible to modify ata_via686b so that it
looks at what it reads from the register and only does the write and print
if the bits are set incorrectly?

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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