On Wed, 21 Nov 2001, Garance A Drosihn wrote:

> At 11:14 AM +0200 11/21/01, Sheldon Hearn wrote:
> >On Wed, 21 Nov 2001 00:04:29 EST, Garance A Drosihn wrote:
> >
> >>  This patch is *ONLY* for stable.  I have made no attempt to even
> >>  look at these makefiles in current, because I needed to be working
> >>  on stable today (for other reasons), and couldn't afford that much
> >>  of a detour.
> >
> >Unfortunately, this approach can often limit the review audience for
> >your work.  I can't look at stable patches on my CURRENT scratchpad.
> Then again, a quick check of -current shows that the files are different
> enough that maybe I should just leave them alone...

Just my ignorant $.02 as I am not a programmer and not sure how to
accomplish this, but this is a thought I had...

how about an addition in make kernel & buildkernel (or possibly at the
beginning of installkernel. eg:"Checking required disk space for update
on /dev/????..."), where there is a routine to check diskspace and notify
the user of a low disk space problem? This would carry into the future
very well and also not leave anything "half built/installed"? This could
be extended to check each filesystem to make sure there is enough space
everywhere for a new build. Personally, I think a sanity check of the
update and disk space requirements are superior and longer lived than
just moving something somewhere else to get by for now.

like I mentioned, I have no idea on how to do this or whats involded to
get it done, it is just a though I had.



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