Perhaps go into Win2K and convert the HD from Fat32 to NTFS under Disk
Management tools..... then maybe FreeBSD can see it....
At 04:04 PM 9.6.2001 -0400, Robin P. Blanchard wrote:
>after much wailing and gnashing of teeth i've figured out
>what the problem is. i wasn't doing anything wrong.
>the command was fine.
>the damn harddisk that i've been assigned to retrieve data
>from is apparently fat32x. i can't mount the bastard period.
>no freebsd. no linux. nothing.
>windows 2000 can't even speak fat32x.
>any ideas on how to get this thing working?
>(other than building up a windwos98 box)
>thanks in advance.
>> root@quattro [~]# mount -t msdos /dev/ad1s1 /mnt/fat32
>> msdos: /dev/ad1s1: Invalid argument
>> what the hell am i doing wrong here?
>Robin P. Blanchard
>IT Program Specialist
>Georgia Center for Continuing Ed.
>fon: 706.542.2404 fax: 706.542.6546
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Jack L. Stone,
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