On Sunday 02 September 2001 02:19, klein brock wrote:
> Hi,
> does anybody know how to prevent DOS ? i was DOSed and
> down for 1 day... can somebody help me ?

- You need more details
- This isn't really a "stable" issue; I'd use questions.
- If you are personally be DOSed, in the sense that your
  ports are being flooded, then just shut off all services.
  Of course, if you are running a server, this isn't feasible.
  But if you can just go into inet and shut everything down
  and shut down all other internet daemons, there's nothing
  to flood; if that's too drastic, stop services at the 
  firewall to all except those you intend to serve.
  If you are really running an internet server, then it's
  really hard. You can set up filters that reject packets
  from the same location "too close" to each other, but at
  some point the time to analyze the packtes and figure out
  that you should reject them can be flooded, too, so 
  ultimately, against a sufficiently strong DOS, you are

> Thank you
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