I got this morning the lastest cvsupdate for 4.4-RC. After successful
compilation and installation, reboot, one of our servers is not longer
available via SSH. sshd on this machine reports the follwoing error:
Aug 31 14:21:36 <auth.err> atmos sshd[42563]: fatal: DH_generate_key
Does anyone know what's wrong? What does this mean? We did not change
configuration and on all other server we run under FBSD (they all got the same
update this morning) this error does not occur.
Thanks in advance,
O. Hartmann
IT-Administration des Institutes fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
Johannes Gutenberg Universitaet Mainz
Becherweg 21
55099 Mainz
Tel: +496131/3924662 (Maschinenraum)
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