Kai Torak writes:

> FreeBSD works great as a desktop O/S!? Sure you have to tweek and
> tune it to be a good server or a good desktop, but who actualy
> expects an O/S to do exactly what you want "out of the box" without
> having to tweek it for that job? For desktop we have all these usb
> things and stuff, I mean what more do you want? Examples of what
> exactly is wrong would probably help, but since this is just a
> great big troll I guess it has no base in reality...

A suggestion:  post your tweaks.  That might help people who want to
run FreeBSD on the desktop and stimulate discussion on what are good
optimizations for FreeBSD-STABLE.

Personally, over time I've found that the desktop is almost always
fast enough, and that responsiveness and stability are more important
than the speed of any particular operation.  At one point I was coming
in to work each morning and rebooting my system because I was
following CURRENT with SMP and it was REALLY unstable.  I didn't enjoy
the experience and even backed up to STABLE for a while even though it
didn't have SMP at the time.

The cheapest, most effective solution for speed problems these days is
almost always to buy faster hardware.

Fred Gilham                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you
rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and
lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke
is easy, and my burden is light."               --Jesus of Nazareth

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