On Wednesday, June 27, 2001 5:30 PM, Juha Saarinen [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Jun 2001, Bill Moran wrote:
> > In a company, alpha testing is done by the developers or other
> > employees of the company,
> Once Upon A Time this was true, but no longer. Viz. Microsoft's
> "Technology Preview" editions of various pieces of software. Due to
> lengthening development cycles, companies feel compelled to issue some
> pretty raw code into the public eye, just to show that they're actually
> doing something. The mindshare game I guess.

True, but I guess it still just seems to me that "alpha" is a closed-source
kinda word that doesn't fit in with any open-source type of development.
Might just be my perception of the whole thing.

> Anyway, code never gets out of the beta stage. ;-)

I don't know. I mean, "beta" says to me, "we, as developers, can't find
any problems, but this hasn't been tested in the real world yet." Whereas
a "release" tag says "we've tested this under real world conditions and
have not found any problems"

I see where you're coming from with that statement, though. Especially
open-source development, which is always under scrutiny for the
purpose of improvement.

> Oh, and could you please wrap your lines?

Yeah ... I just realized that the only way to keep Outlook from mangling
lines is to manually wrap. I'm working on site this week, far away from
my comfortable FreeBSD desktop workstation :-( so I'm stuck with

I think I'll install mutt on one of the servers here and use it to get my
email via ssh ... :-) Don't tell my boss.


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