On Fri, 8 Jun 2001, Dave Glowacki wrote:

> Second, I 'cvsup'd a couple of days ago, did a 'make world' last night
> and now am getting "sshd[NNN]: PAM setcred failed[6]: Permission denied"
> errors whenever I tried to ssh in from the outside.

I had a problem with SSH after I cvsupped from 4.1.1 to 4.3.

> I've got the "ssh" lines in /etc/pam.conf and /usr/lib/libpam_ssh.so
> exists, but I'm not sure what else to check.

I don't think I even HAD an /etc/pam.conf until after I upgraded.
Mergemaster was confusing to me.  Headache...
Here's the SSH part of my pam.conf file:

# New.
# OpenSSH with PAM support requires similar modules.  The session one is
# a bit strange, though...
sshd    auth    sufficient      pam_skey.so
#sshd   auth    sufficient      pam_kerberosIV.so
sshd    auth    required        pam_unix.so
sshd    session required        pam_permit.so
# "csshd" is for challenge-based authentication with sshd (TIS auth, etc.)
csshd   auth    required        pam_skey.so

Perpetually a newbie here...

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