No problems for me. My dmesg line:
xl0: <3Com 3c905C-TX Fast Etherlink XL> port 0x1000-0x107f mem
0xf4000000-0xf400007f irq 11 at device 13.0 on pci0
pci bus 0x0 cardnum 0x0d function 0x0000: vendor 0x10b7 device 0x9200
3COM Device unknown
Don't know if "C" (3c905C) makes any difference for me.
On Saturday 02 June 2001 11:29, Thomas Zander wrote:
> Hi...
> my buildworld of this morning shows a little uncomfortable problem with
> the xl driver:
> media: ... status: no carrier
> The card is a 3c905 - TX (scanpci: device 0x9050) and never made
> problems before. kernel.old does its work, too.
> Has anyone encountered similar problems?
> So long
> Riggs
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