clemensF schrieb:
> > Kris Kennaway:
> > Please read the handbook for the relevant information on how to
> > download, compile and upgrade FreeBSD.
> i did.  it does not answer the question.

Well, then read again. Possible causes are
- you downloaded the wrong sources (there are lots of kernel versions on
- your kernel sources were not in sync with your system (i.e. it is not
possible to build 4.3-Release with a 2.x world)

You may glimpse at
to learn how to get the relevant sources, and at
to learn how to conifgure and compile a kernel.

If this still does not get you up to speed, please include some basic
information (output of uname -a, what did you download, which commands
did you use, what ws the exact error message).

-CHristoph Sold

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