> Mike Smith writes:
>  > > 
>  > > I recall something about this on another FreeBSD list a week or so ago. 
>  > > Supposedly there is a firmware update available that fixes this problem.
>  > 
>  > It's not clear whether Raymond is talking about the same symptoms or not 
>  > (as he doesn't clarify this).  It's not certain that 3ware have actually 
>  > fixed the problem yet; last I heard they were still working on it.
>       Hum. Ok. The actual error messages (from dmesg and
> /var/log/messages) were of the form 
> "twe0: command failed - device failure". At this point it was
> impossible to do *anything* to the filesystem(s) on the disks
> connected to the 3ware controller.

This is a totally different and unrelated failure.  It's not clear what 
is going wrong here though; I'll have to ask 3ware what this suggests.

>       I've looked at 3Ware's web site, and they claim that the new
> firmware (version 6.6) fixes certain problems with RAID 5
> configurations. My configuration is RAID 0, so it is entirely possible
> that the new firmware will have no effect for me. 

The RAID 5 issue is not related to this (and does not affect FreeBSD).

>       Version 6.6 supposedly requires an updated driver - is the
> driver in -stable so updated? If so, I'll go ahead and backup my data
> and upgrade the firmware.

No driver changes are required.

... every activity meets with opposition, everyone who acts has his
rivals and unfortunately opponents also.  But not because people want
to be opponents, rather because the tasks and relationships force
people to take different points of view.  [Dr. Fritz Todt]
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