Gavin Atkinson wrote:

> On Wed, 2 May 2001, Gregory Neil Shapiro wrote:
> > Using "-a off" won't help.  Use:
> >
> > telnet        stream  tcp     nowait  root    /usr/libexec/telnetd    telnetd -a 
>off -X sra
> > telnet        stream  tcp6    nowait  root    /usr/libexec/telnetd    telnetd -a 
>off -X sra
> Ah - that explains it... Though to be honest, I was more worried as to why
> an out-of-the-box install of 4.3-RELEASE withg crypto installed would
> allow telnet in as root - and no, my ttys are not marked as secure.

It's a bug. No one has reported it before. Now that I'm aware of it, I'll see what I 
can do.

Once upon a time, I worked out PAM support for SRA. Perhaps this might be a good 
reason to
revisit that (Mark?).

I am also surprised that '-a off' is insufficient for telnetd. I will see about 
looking into
that too.

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