:: UNIX is about doing what you ask for. You want to tail/cat a :: directory, who is the system to tell you otherwise. That's just silly. Who hasn't mistakenly tailed/cat'ed a directory? I thought the "User-unfriendliness Is Cool" era was long buried. -- Juha To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message
- Re: tail David W . Chapman Jr .
- RE: tail Mike Meyer
- Re: tail Ted Faber
- Re: tail David W. Chapman Jr.
- Re: tail Steve O'Hara-Smith
- RE: tail Juha Saarinen
- Re: tail Juha Saarinen
- Re: tail Sue Blake
- RE: tail Juha Saarinen
- Re: tail Lyndon Nerenberg
- RE: tail Dan Langille
- Re: tail Oliver Fromme
- Re: tail Fred Gilham