In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Nick Sayer writes:
> Nick Sayer wrote:
> > Amanda has begun timing out one of my slower clients. I have tracked this
> > down and it appears to be the fact that generating the estimates takes
> > much, much longer now than it used to.
> > 
> Just to add more info... I don't think write cache has anything to do 
> with it because
> 1. dump is read-only.
> 2. 'dump 0fhs /dev/null 0 1048576 /usr' takes a half hour, but 'dump 0fs 
> /dev/null 1048576 /usr' takes 15 seconds (remember, we're only 
> interested in getting the estimate at the end of Pass II).
> I've opened a PR.

There was some discussion about this on this list a couple of weeks ago 
shortly after the traverse.c patch was MFC'd.  The conclusion at that 
time was that this was to be expected.

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