At 15:31 18-04-01 +0400, you wrote:

>SH> hi
>SH> when i try to build ports on my system i get
>SH> test# cd /usr/ports/
>SH> test# cd security/sudo/
>SH> test# make patch
>SH> ===>  sudo- : Your system is too old to use this
>SH> You need a fresh make world or an upgrade kit. Please go
>SH> to or a mirror site and follow the
>SH> instructions.
>SH> test# uname -a
>SH> FreeBSD 4.3-RC FreeBSD 4.3-RC #2: Wed Apr 18
>SH> 10:08:47 GMT 2001
>SH> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/MAILSURF  i386
>SH> test#
>SH> what am i missing?
>SH> make world has finished 10min before with a repository i got yesterday.
>SH> ports is also fresh.
>SH> fyi: i am running a diskless machine, so /var is created on boot via mfs
>File /var/db/port.mkversion usually holds date when pkg_*** utilites
>were rebuild. It is checked by port's Makefile. If it is missing or
>has very old date you will see message
>     Your system is too old to use this
>It should contain string like 20010201 (it is from one of my boxes).
>  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>| Ilya Martynov (                                    |
>| GnuPG 1024D/323BDEE6 D7F7 561E 4C1D 8A15 8E80  E4AE BE1A 53EB 323B DEE6 |
>| AGAVA Software Company (                          |
>  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Well, how do you avoid this? I usually cvsup ports-all before trying to 
install a port, and cvsup ports-all every couple of weeks. When I get this 
message the only thing I've been able to figure out to do is delete the 
directory and cvsup again. If I haven't deleted a particular port before 
cvsup'ing it sometimes seems not to update the port.


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