-On [20010417 20:56], Daryl Chance ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
>I just posted this on -doc, but I thought I'd ask you all for
>thoughts on this since -stable will probably be the main target
>for questions while/if this project is going on.

Heh, you could've cc:'d me in the emails. :P

>I was looking through the list of projects to see if one existed
>for documenting the FBSD code.  The closest I came to it was this:
>Does anyone know if there has been any recent work done on this?
>the top of this page:

We moved a lot of that to the Developer's Handbook.  Nik Clayton just
fixed it to the daily doc build and provided soem links towards it on
the webpages.

>Has a date of 1999/04/01, a little over 2 years.

Mea culpa.  Real life sucks. :P

>I say this is the closest, because I was looking for something else,
>something a little more "thourough", like (I realize this would be
>a HUGE undertaking) commenting all the functions in the FBSD source
>and running something like ScanDoc against it or some other auto-
>matic code documentation programs.

That was what I was working on.  Until I got dragged into a commit bit.
I still need to expand on, and include it in the handbook, my newbus doc
at people.freebsd.org/~asmodai/newbus-draft.txt

>Anyone have any suggestions?  Offer any help?  I thought about this
>which watching the recent discussion on "VM Balance" on -stable.
>This would be a great project to start so that someone interested
>in browsing the FBSD source can see more then just the code, they
>can see the functions, structs, etc etc and read the comments
>against those.  It may help the people doing work on FBSD to learn
>more about the source.

Neil Blakey and me have been looking at the GDK project's way of
Looks interesting.

>Thoughts?  I'd be willing to help out, or even lead this project.
>I do think this would take a lot of patience from the -stable people
>answering our questions about things that they would consider
>trivial :).  I'm only on a Cable connection w/ a K6 333 as my most
>powerful server, but I can offer up this to see this project get off
>the ground and to show that theres some interest.  I'd also have
>to learn scandoc or whatever documentation tool we plan on using if
>theres any interest.

All documentation eventually returns to SGML/DocBook.

Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven/Asmodai .oUo. asmodai@[wxs.nl|freebsd.org]
Documentation nutter/C-rated Coder BSD: Technical excellence at its best  
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Of all that is to come, the Dream has just begun...

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