Hi all, Last night I tried to upgrade to 4.3RC2 but have had problems. Here's what I did. Sorry for the brief info but I am not at my machine. Any insight would be appreciated. I cvsup'd to latest. Which was only about 4 files as I have been keeping track but not installed since March 20th or there abouts. Performed buildworld, no problems Performed buildkernel, no problems Performed install kernel, no problems Rebooted into single user mode Performed installworld, when the install gets to anything in /usr/lib the box freezes. When I reboot back into single usermode and try to run more or man or run installworld it complains that libs are corrupt. I can replace them from /usr/obj and the apps will start working. I did manage to boot up to multimode and copied by hand the new /usr/libs into /usr/libs and tried to installworld again but it just barfed somewhere else in /usr/lib. Libs it did fail on were libc.so.4, libmreadline.a, libma.a, libcurses and more I think. I saw a post that was similar earlier and his cvs tree was corrupt does this sound similar. Thanks Rodney Lewis This message and any attachments are confidential to the ordinary user of the e-mail address to which it was addressed and may also be privileged. If you are not the addressee, you may not copy, forward, disclose or use any part of the message or its attachments and should delete them from your system and kindly notify the sender immediately by return e-mail. Any opinions contained in this message are those of the author and are not given or endorsed by the Bank of Montreal Group of Companies including BMO Nesbitt Burns Group company or office through which this message is sent unless otherwise clearly indicated in this message. Internet communications cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, arrive late or contain viruses. The sender therefore does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this message which arise as a result of Internet transmission. Unless otherwise stated, this transmission is neither an offer nor a solicitation of an offer to sell or purchase any security. Ce message, ainsi que tout document pouvant y être joint, est confidentiel et destiné à l'utilisateur habituel de l'adresse de courrier électronique à qui il s'adresse, et pourrait être privilégié. Si vous n'êtes pas le destinataire, il vous est expressément interdit de copier, d'acheminer, de divulguer ou d'utiliser ce message et les documents joints, le cas échéant, en totalité ou en partie. Nous vous saurions gré de les supprimer et d'avertir l'expéditeur immédiatement, par retour de courrier. Les opinions que contient ce message sont celles de l'auteur et ne sont ni données, ni approuvées par le Groupe de sociétés de la Banque de Montréal, BMO Nesbitt Burns ou la succursale ou le bureau d'où provient le message, à moins qu'une mention à cette fin ne soit faite dans le message. Il n'est pas possible de garantir que les communications par Internet sont sûres ou exemptes d'erreurs puisque les renseignements pourraient être interceptés, corrompus, égarés ou retardés ou pourraient contenir des virus. L'expéditeur se dégage donc de toute responsabilité à l'égard d'erreurs ou d'omissions dans le contenu du message découlant d'une transmission par Internet. À moins d'une mention contraire, cette transmission ne constitue ni une offre ni une sollicitation d'une offre de vente ou d'achat de titres de quelque nature que ce soit. To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message