Brian D. Woodruff wrote:
> At 10:35 PM 4/4/01 -0400, you wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 04, 2001 at 09:32:39PM -0500, Brian D. Woodruff wrote:
>>> Here are my questions:
>>> 1.) is there a way to specify 4.2-STABLE, which is what I have been using?
> excellent answer to part 2
> can anyone tell me how to get the STABLE version I want?
Did you read the first sentence of that FAQ entry? "Short answer: it's
just a name."
If you cvsup the RELENG_4 branch, you're getting FreeBSD-stable, whether
even -CURRENT if someone felt like playing an April Fool's day joke in
/sys/conf/ :-)
> I would rather be consistent across my servers than have some be one
> release past the others.
Well if it said 4.2-STABLE and you builtworld on one and not the
others you still wouldn't be consistent, they'd still be different
codebases but with the same name. If it _really_ bothers you just
change /sys/conf/ appropriately so your kernel reports itself
as 4.2-STABLE, if all you want is the same name but different codebases.
Ben Smithurst / [EMAIL PROTECTED] / PGP: 0x99392F7D
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