At 10:45 AM -0800 3/20/01, Gordon Tetlow wrote:
>Why are you using TCP? If you are on a reliable LAN, use UDP. TCP should
>be used for long haul NFS. There are lots of reasons for using UDP, if you
>want me to go into them, I will.

Although TCP imposes some overhead, it may provide better worst-case
performance than UDP.  Several years ago, I chatted with a friend (Stan
Hanks, IIRC) who had been trying to figure out why X terminals were doing
better than diskless workstations.

It turned out that, when the Ethernet started to get overloaded, some
packets would get lost.  The (UDP-based) NFS code would then attempt
to re-transmit the entire 8 KB block.  Given that the net was already
overloaded, this would typically fail.  The X terminals, meanwhile,
were able to get their packets through.

It seems to me that TCP-based NFS would fare better in this scenario,
because it would only retransmit Ethernet packets.  I'm not sure whether
the moral of this story is to use NFS, however; a more reasonable
strategy might be to ensure that the net never gets that heavily loaded!

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