M. L. (Bud) Dodson wrote:

        > ad0: HARD READ ERROR blk# 983151 status=59 error=40
        > ad0: DMA problem fallback to PIO mode

        > Should I do anything about this . . . .

Make sure the drive isn't getting too hot.  Do you have adequate ven-
tilation in the computer case?  Are the fans working?  Is there plenty
of air flow around the drive?

You might want to remount the drive upside down (with the circuit board
on top); this may help keep the drive mechanism from overheating.

You should always keep backups, of course, but you should =definitely=
make sure you have a good backup of the data on =this= drive.  Even if
improving air flow makes the errors go away, the drive has given you
fair warning that it's likely to die sooner rather than later.

I had a drive myself, BTW, that was starting to give hard errors a few
months ago.  I remounted it upside down, with more space around it, and
added another fan, and (touch wood!) I haven't had any more errors from
this drive for about three months now.

Rich Wales         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         http://www.webcom.com/richw/

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