Jim Mock wrote:
> On Fri, 16 Mar 2001 at 21:42:10 +0100, Steve O'Hara-Smith wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Picking a recent example:
> >
> > Saverio Perugini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > What is a BETA system? Is it similiar to CURRENT?
> >
> > We get a lot of this sort of thing every time a release rolls,
> > an idea crossed my mind, perhaps if during BETA and RC phases
> > /etc/motd were to carry a big message like
> >
> > ----------------------
> > DO NOT PANIC - BETA is a normal phase that STABLE goes through prior
> > to the rolling of a release. If anything it is *MORE* stable than
> > usual during BETA as all changes are monitered by the release
> > engineer.
> > ----------------------
> >
> > Changing BETA to RC as appropriate. It *might* reduce the
> > effect, worth a try ?
> This would be wonderful. It should cut down dramatically on the 3.7
> K PLZ THX" (I think I hung out with Alfred too much :-) emails to this
> list and -questions.
> Perhaps even pointing something towards the FAQ entry on this would
> help.
> The only problem is see doing this is that:
> 1) Not everyone will run mergemaster afterwards. It doesn't matter
> whether they should or not, many just won't.
> 2) Not everyone who does run mergemaster will update their /etc/motd
> (like me).
> So, the question is.. how can we get something like this to the most
> people without printing that section of the FAQ and stapling it to their
> foreheads?
LOL, this struck me funny because it would have to be reverse printed.
Sort of like Ambulance spelled backwards on the front of one.
Since Mergemaster is the suggested way of updating /etc, why not add a
"don't forget to run mergemaster message" at the end of installworld.
Then add the Beta message at the very front of motd. The ones that use
a script will never see it but then they probably don't need to. It
might even be added using a #if define of some sort. I don't have any
idea if that kind of logic is possible. Just an idea that popped into
my mind.
In several places, it is suggested that they follow stable for several
weeks before they try upgrading to stable and that is being ignored.
There is a sufficient number that will still drop a "whot hoppnd"
message onto the stable list. I think people focus on spots of
interest and ignore the rest. Their method of dealing with the number
of messages.
> - jim
> --
> - jim mock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - O|S|D|N - open source development network -
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