On Wed, 7 Mar 2001, Kris Kennaway wrote:
Is this also true for SMP systems?
:>On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 09:09:36AM +0000, Antony T Curtis wrote:
:>> Kris Kennaway wrote:
:>> >
:>> > On Wed, Mar 07, 2001 at 09:30:33AM +0100, Hartmann, O. wrote:
:>> > > Dear Sirs.
:>> > >
:>> > > I'm really confused and surprised by the fact, that with the upcoming new
:>> > > FreeBSD 4.3 in its make.conf we can choose architectural parameters for the
:>> > > CPU architecture. And I will tell you why.
:>> <snip>
:>> > I've been running NIS on FreeBSD with world and kernel compiled with
:>> > -march=pentiumpro for about 9 months with no ill effects. In fact
:>> > I've never heard of reports of bad code generation using the -march
:>> > settings -- it appears to be very stable. Are you sure you didn't
:>> > have a nonstandard optimization setting (-O2, etc) as well?
:>> I have world compiled with -O2 with no ill effect (that I have noticed)
:>> but if I compile the kernel with -O2, it looks okay but has problems
:>> with talking TCP/IP - seems to generate faulty checksums and some other
:>> quirks.... To put it simply, stable kernels are only with -O (in my
:>> experience)
:>> (however, I have compiled KLDs with -O2 with no ill effect)
:>Yes, this is well known (and documented in /etc/make.conf). I've
:>*never* heard failure reports associated with using an -march option,
:>nor seen any myself (all my systems run with -march=<whatever> and
:>have never shown failures; contrasted with -O2 which inevitably causes
:>problems each time I'm tempted to try it)
:>I think Jordan's commit to /etc/make.conf warning people off of using
:>CPUTYPE was premature.
O. Hartmann
IT-Administration des Institut fuer Physik der Atmosphaere (IPA)
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