On Sun, Mar 04, 2001 at 06:31:59PM -0500, William Wong wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm just wondering how the developers keep track or what still needs to be
> merged from -CURRENT to -STABLE. Is it just version numbers on particular
> files?
Well, it varies according to developer - but given the number of
un-merged changes that I found in the tree last night the general
answer might be "they don't" :-)
Personally, I save my commit messages which I know I want to merge at
some point in the future into a separate mfc folder, but another way
is to do something like:
cvs diff -kk -u -r RELENG_4 -r HEAD | more
and look through the output (this shows all of the differences between
the two branches), then identify the commits giving rise to each of
the unmerged changes and patch them across if they should be merged.
This is how I did my big sweep last night (only covered about 1/2 the
tree, if I get time tonight I'll do more of the rest)
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