> On Sun, Feb 25, 2001 at 04:32:04PM -0500, Jonathan Slivko wrote:
> >     I have been testing the security on my machine (FreeBSD 4.2-STABLE) and
> > I noticed a bug that could potentially reboot a box from any type of user,
> > root or regular user. What I did was I just gave the box a whole bunch of w
> > commands like w;w;w;w;w, etc. and just let that run. A few seconds later,
> > the box coredumped and rebooted. I got this to occur several times in a row.
> > Is this some kind of known vulnerability or is this just something that will
> > have to be investigated further? If interested in more details, please feel
> > free to e-mail me. Thanks.
> That's not a security vulnerability (ie defined as something which gives
> an attacker elevated privileges), that's a bug.  Nevertheless, I can't
> reproduce it.. possibly because you've given next to nothing as far as
> details go.

That's a pretty well-known "bug".  If you do anything on a machine "too
much" to a point the system can't handle the commands, it'll either just
fork the new processes, or reboot itself.

Nothing new.


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