My system is 4.2-stable (built few days ago) on a Microstar MS 6321
dual celeron motherboard. The kernel has SMP support enabled.
Till yesterday I was using successfully a Diamond Fire GL 1000 Pro AGP
card with XFree 3.3.idontremember :)
Now I've got a new Matrox Millenium G450 32Mb dual head AGP card, but
I've got also some weird problems...
Under XF 3, using XF86_SVGA as server, my monitor is totally blank (NEC
FE750). I'm sure this is not a
unsupported-resolution/frequency/scantimes problem, since I've
configured X (with XF86Setup) also for 640x480x16 @ 60Hz and it's the
same :(
(things like chipset mga etc. seems to be ok)
So I thought this could be a good moment to upgrade to XFree 4 <g> :-)
I've installed the ports under /usr/ports/x11/XFree-4 and x11/wrapper.
unfortunately with "xf86cfg" I still have the same problem of blank
screen... "xf86cfg -textmode" works.
I guess the MGA card is not broken since I tried it also on another PC
with Win 2K and it's ok.
Someone else experienced this or similar problems ?
I tried also some fantasy :) like
kldload agp.ko
kldload vesa.ko
but I think it's not the right way... ;-)
More... when I get such a blank screen, I can't use
"ctrl-alt-backspace" to brute-force exit XFree ! It's like the keyboard
is not working (yes, I configured it and mouse too :) )
Also killing -9 the XFree process from a telnet session does not
restore the VGA/Monitor ! I had to power-cycle the whole machine! :-(
Please, help! :-|
Every hints is very well accepted! :-)
Thanks a lot in advance!!
Milano, Italy
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