* Janko van Roosmalen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [20010105 17:06]: writing on the 
subject 'Re: 4.2-STABLE build fails'
Janko> On Thu, 4 Jan 2001, Odhiambo Washington wrote:
Janko> > Hi
Janko> > I've seen much of this discussed here but mine seems to break at this
Janko> > point:
Janko> > 
Janko> > /usr/obj/usr/src/share/doc/usd/13.viref/troff.core
Janko> > 
Janko> > ..and with this msg on the console...
Janko> > 
Janko> > Jan  3 18:54:07 alouette /kernel: pid 54505 (troff), uid 0: exited on
Janko> > signal 11 (core dumped)
Janko> > Jan  3 18:54:07 alouette /kernel: pid 54523 (troff), uid 0: exited on
Janko> > signal 11 (core dumped)
Janko> > 
Janko> > 
Janko> > Even a fresh cvsup (after rm-ing all my srcs and usr/obj) does not help.
Janko> > Any pointer what this 13.viref thing is and how I can sort that out will
Janko> > be highly appreciated.
Janko> > 
Janko> > 
Janko> > -Wash
Janko> The FreeBSD faq mentions that signal 11 points to hardware problems.

Apparently I did blow up the machine and did a fresh cvsup, built troff
by hand before buildworld and installworld and I went away with it.
I multiboot the bos with ALL those Windows versions (Win98/NT4
SERVER/2000 SERVER) and they never complained. Kent Stewart also pointed
me towards this very direction and I just got apprehensive but all I
could start with is a blower. Let's give it some time maybe the monster
will ultimately rear its head;-)


Odhiambo Washington  Inter-Connect Ltd.,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  5th Flr Furaha Plaza
Tel: 254 11 222604   Nkrumah Rd.,
Fax: 254 11 222636   PO Box 83613 MOMBASA, KE.

All newspaper editorial writers ever do is come down from the hills after the 
battle is over and shoot the wounded. 

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