On Sunday 31 December 2000 02:04, Kal Torak wrote:
> Chris BeHanna wrote:
> > On Fri, 29 Dec 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > [...snip of questions I leave for others...]
> > >
> > >    Does anyone know the MS/IBM approved codes for the various types
> > >
> > >        6 = DOS FAT16
> > >        ? = DOS FAT32
> >
> >     FAT32 and FAT16 are both 6.
> Actually I think you can specify FAT16 as 4
> Maybe not, I just seem to remember it like that...
> > >      165 = FreeBSD
> > >        ? = others
> >
> >     There might be a special value for a hibernate partition.  I don't
> > know it, though.
> The only others I know are:
> 131 = Linux ext2fs
> 130 = Linux swap
> 99 = ISC Unix
> All the IBM laptops I have seen use a file on a standard FAT16 or 32
> partition for hibernating, that doesn't mean thats for all of them,
> but chances are it would be a file rather than a whole partition...
> DOS fdisk will allow only 4 partitions on a drive, only one of
> these can be a primary partition, the others have to be extended
> partitions... So long as you didnt create the DOS partitions with
> sysinstall it shouldn't care about them

Correction:. You are allowed 4 primary partitions, one of which can be 
extended and can contain logical partititons.

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