On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 01:14:05PM -0800, David O'Brien wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 17, 2000 at 03:06:50PM +0100, Szilveszter Adam wrote:
> > Since the Mozilla team has dropped all FreeBSD tinderboxes from their
> > cluster
> Any idea why they did that?

Well, I am not a developer, so I can just speculate... earlier they had a
FreeBSD 4.0 test box, but most probably they stumbled upon some C++ problem
with our compiler and simply gave up. Later they brought in an old 2.2.8
box, but that also was relegated to Mozilla-Test. I guess they tried that
because Netscape also uses a.out for their commercial branch on FreeBSD.
But later that one also disappeared.

Now, the fun part is that they are not using OpenBSD 2.8 for tests either,
but, for some weird reason stick to 2.5. I am not sure in what condition
the C++ compiler was at that time.

Maybe they do not know whom to contact in the BSD world if things break?  

Szilveszter ADAM
Szeged University
Szeged Hungary

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