Dumb question probably, but did you include the csa(4) bridge driver?

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 03:30:09PM +1100, Anthony Williams wrote:
> Howdy,
> Am having a little bit of trouble getting my soundcard to work under
> 4.2-RELEASE...contents of /dev/sndstat is:
> FreeBSD Audio Driver (newpcm) Nov 28 2000 13:57:52
> Installed devices:
> pcm0: <CS461x PCM Audio> at irq 10 (1p/1r channels duplex)
> when I try and play mp3s I get the following error:
> pcm0: play interrupt timeout, channel dead
> I checked the archives and for some people rebooting works but no go for
> me...suggestions ??
> Anthony
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Keith Jones
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