>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Nov 21 10:26:20 2000
>Reply-To: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Cc: Cy Schubert - ITSD Open Systems Group <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>        Stijn Hoop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, FreeBSD <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
>Subject: Re: Removal of Disklabel
>Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2000 07:22:36 -0800
>> > > I'd like to see FreeBSD do the same as Linux on the i386 - use only
>> > > the partition table, along with extended partitions. Do away with
>> disklabel
>> > > *on that platform*.
>> > >
>[... more editing...]
>> > > One of the most FAQs I've heard from linux'ees that tried FreeBSD is
>> > > 'why can't I install to an extended partition?' Fact is when I hear that
>> > > question, I also wonder myself...
>> >
>[...more edits...]
>> I do think that manipulating partitions in FreeBSD is rather harder than on
>> any other Unix I have had to do it on.  Moving things around in a dynamic


>> and fluid way (which I have always consider part of tuning) is - difficult.
>> Some better partition management tools would be rather useful.  I'll think
>> on this and maybe do something.  Suggestions welcome and solicited.  [Can I
>> get arrested of soliciting on a mailing list?]
>Before I start coding a proof of concept and reading the comments thus
>far I'd like to have a consensus of whether it would be a worthwhile
>effort or would it be a waste of my time?  At first I thought it was a

I think it would indeed be a worthwhile effort.

>good idea to make FreeBSD partitions have an MS-DOS or failing that a
>Linux look-and-feel.  Judging from the feedback, I'm not so sure
>whether it is a good idea or not.  From what I can tell, most people
>don't want any changes from the status quo.

The status quo is ok, too, but some alternatives would be a
Good Thing, I think...

>I am not trying to keep the argument going here.  If people generally
>don't like the idea and thus my effort to implement this idea has no
>chance of being used or incorporated into the system, then I want to
>save myself some effort that might be wasted towards this endeavour and
>put it to better use elsewhere. The last thing I want to do is force
>this on anyone.

Ok...  Throwing in my $.02...

My "gripes" (hmmm, too strong a word, sorry...)

1.  I find BSD fdisk complex & unwieldy.  I like the fdisk
    tools in Slackware Linux, specifically fdisk & cfdisk;
    Slackware's fdisk works enough like that in M$, SCO &
    Interactive (remember that? :) to be Reasonably
    Familiar.  So, when I need to lay-out a hdd, I usually
    use the Slackware tools, but also PartitionMagic,
    depending on What I'm Trying To Do.  Then I change the
    type indicator for BSD.  Maybe some kind of "port" of
    Slackware's fdisk/cfdisk might be in order?

2.  If I want to make more than 6 total filesystems on a
    hdd, I make more than 1 BSD slice (& on more than 1
    HDD) & that's ok for now.  But, that uses a (relatively
    scarce) Primary, so maybe it might be a Good Thing if
    "entries" in an Extended Partition could be used by
    *BSD (for "multiple" partitions a-h).  (Hmmm, maybe it
    works; I haven't tried... :).  Btw, is it Really OK for
    me to use partitions a & b (in another slice) for
    "regular" filesystems (as opposed to root & swap)?

As someone suggested earlier, though, this thread should
probably be better discussed in -arch (or maybe -hackers?).

And as someone else has suggested, I think some kind of
summary/synopsis/Rules-Of-The-Game  would be *excellent*
for the Handbook.



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