Ok, Now I am frustrated, so any help would be greatly
appreciated ....

after my upgrade from 4.0-r to 4.1.1-s everything went
great .. I followed the instructions in

After booting my machine and I get to ...

waiting 15 seconds for SCSI devices to settle ..
I get multiple errors which say

(date) init: can't exec '/usr/libexec/getty' for port
/dev/ttyv0 to /dev/ttyv7. No such file or directory.

(If I recall correctly there are 8 ttyv*'s default, I
could be wrong.)

I noticed gettytab was hosed in /etc/ so I copied it
over from /usr/src/etc/gettytab to /etc/gettytab ..

I read the init(8), ttys(5), tty(4), login(1) man
pages and have a very firm understanding of them.

I know for a fact /usr/libexec/getty exists, in fact
if I boot single-user mode I can mount my filesystems
and then manual run '/usr/libexec/getty Pc' and invoke
a login prompt.

/etc/ttys is intact, /etc/gettytab is fine
/usr/libexec/getty works perfect since my manually
attempting to run it.

so that leads me with the conclusion that /dev/ttyv1
to /dev/ttyv7 do not exist. However I notice in /dev
there are all the ttyv*'s..
so I attempt to execute getty on ttyv1 like so:
'/usr/libexec/getty Pc ttyv1'
whoah! I get a login prompt that says

FreeBSD/i386 (amnesiac)

Ok, so now for the heck of it I login with my normal
user and attempt 'startx'.

I get the error message as both root/user

Authentication Failed - Cannot start X server.
Perhaps you do not have console ownership? 

enough of the problem, Now I am hoping someone can
provide me with a solution.

If you need more information jsut let me know, but
this box has been down now almost 2 full workdays and
I am in dyer need to get it back up an running ASAP.

thanks in advance

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