On Tue, Oct 17, 2000 at 09:09 -0400, Mike Tancsa wrote:
> At 01:40 PM 10/17/00 +0100, Mark Powell wrote:
> >
> >Hmmm. Get's a bit confusing with the model and series numbers.
> >The Enterprise 1500 is series 467. Which is the 466?
> Its a shorter PCI card than the others, single channel, SCSI
> LVD.  It has OK performance.  I am currently using it in a
> RAID0+1 type config.

Where can I learn more about the pitfalls?  I have a model 466
waiting to get employed (RAID5 config with three IBM drives) and
get very poor throughput in the 3MB/s range.  I'm aware of the
expensive directory manipulations but even "dd if=/dev/zero
of=$FILE bs=8388608 count=..." is this slow and I don't know
where to start searching.  This has been with 4.0-R and 4.1-R,
cvsup to -STABLE has just finished and results will be available

Is there a checklist for the things to do / to make sure?  Could
it be bad cabling rather than a software configuration thing?

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