On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 03:43:25PM +0200, Neil Blakey-Milner wrote:
> On Sat 2000-09-23 (11:25), Andre Goeree wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> > I run qmail instead of sendmail and, that's probably
> > why, i noticed that sendmail get's started while
> > disabled in /etc/rc.conf.
> > 
> > I'm pretty sure that both source tree and system are up 
> > to date (cvsupped, built + mergemaster this morning).
> > 
> > Does anyone of you have the same problem?
> You have 'sendmail_enable="NO"' in /etc/rc.conf?
> For fun, run sh, and type ". /etc/defaults/rc.conf; source_rc_confs;
> echo $sendmail_enable".
> Neil
> -- 
> Neil Blakey-Milner
> Sunesi Clinical Systems

Hello Neil,

ago@freebee$ . /etc/defaults/rc.conf 
ago@freebee$ source_rc_confs
ago@freebee$ echo $sendmail_enable

As you can see /etc/rc.conf is not the problem :)

What happened: 
At startup, when the standard daemons get loaded i get a 
message from sendmail about "unknown/illegal option t" or 
something similar.

I found this very strange, because sendmail is disabled
in /etc/rc.conf.

Trying to find out where/what happened i disabled qmail
by removing the startup script (actually a link) and 
commented out the line for qmail in inetd.conf.
I also modified /etc/mail/mailer.conf so it would point 
to sendmail. 

After this, starting up with the same rc.conf i get 
sendmail complaints about aliases/aliases.db.
So sendmail is starting somehow... (and can't find the
aliases.db, which i don't have because i run qmail)

Deciding i had enough of it, i modified the files back
enabled qmail and restarted the system again.

Now the error at startup seems misteriously dissapeared..
I don't get it :( 

-- Ago

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