I had the same thing some time ago. Any time I update my boxen, I
always rm -rf /usr/obj/* afterward. My problem with the ports Mk stuff
was not in relation to doing that as it has been some time since I
last updated my source. To resolve the problem with ports, i just rm'd
all the stuff under /usr/ports and just did another cvsup on the ports
collection. Problem solved. I've also done this in the past with my
/usr/src directory without any problems. Cvsup is your friend.

}-----Original Message-----
}[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Brad Knowles
}Sent: Saturday, September 23, 2000 6:05 AM
}To: FreeBSD-STABLE Mailing List
}Subject: Toasting /usr/obj?
}       It was my impression that /usr/obj was only used during the
}process of doing a make update, make buildworld, etc... and that you
}could safely toast it afterwards if you should happen to temporarily
}need more space since it would be toasted anyway by the next build.
}       Is this not correct?  Well, I toasted it, and now I
}have a very
}strange /usr/ports/Mk/ that seems to be truncated at line
}2373, and /usr/ports/Mk/ appears to be an unreadable
}binary file (strings just shows garbage).
}       Any suggestions as to what I can do to recover?
}       Thanks!
}   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
}Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
}Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin || Rue Colonel
}Bourg, 124
}Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.13.11/12.49             || B-1140 Brussels
}                         || Belgium
}"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
}safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
}     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.
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