At 1:38 PM -0700 2000/9/21, Mike Smith wrote:

>  Ok.  I've just made all that (hopefully) unnecessary by MFC'ing the code
>  from -current, which has a fix for a dangerous race in the driver kit.

        I think I just found that race condition.  I was trying a "make 
update" in /usr/src, when the system panic'ed and crashed. 
Unfortunately, it died badly enough that I don't think it was able to 
save the dump.

        So, I've just rebooted the machine, moved the DPT-enabled kernel 
off to the side, re-named the old kernel back into place, and now I'm 
going to pull the side off the machine so that I can remove the SCSI 
connector for the internal drive from the DPT card and plug it back 
into the on-board AIC-7890, so that I can then do a succesful "make 
update", etc..., before reversing the whole process all over again.

        Sigh....  Oh, well -- I guess that's the price I pay for playing 
with beta drivers.  ;-)

   These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
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     -Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania.

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